
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Chinese Chicken Soup 雞湯

Prep time: 30 min.
Cook time: 1.5-2hrs.

1 whole uncooked chicken
6 dried dates 紅棗
6-8 dried shiitake mushrooms (reconstituted in water, soaked)
a handful of dried goji berries
2-3 slices/twigs of Wisconsin Ginseng西洋蔘 (*expensive!)
2-3 slices of DangGui當歸 (optional)
~ 2-4 tsp. salt

    1)   Clean the chicken, remove tail if desired. Place in boiling water for 5 min. to cleanse the chicken, then pour out water.
    2)   Place chicken in large soup pot, add water until covered.
    3)   Add all ingredients, cover, and cook on medium for 1.5 hrs-2 or until chicken is tender and can be shredded with a fork. Taste should be strong. 
    4)   Add salt to taste.
    5) Skim off top layer of oil with a tiny-holed mesh strainer for best taste.

Great to eat with Chinese puffed rice squares (GuoBa) 鍋巴, rice, or thin noodles!